Rane FLM 82 User Manual
Operating / service manual flm 82, Quick start, System connection

FLM 82
This section has been provided as a convenience for those without enough patience to read
the entire manual. If you are experienced with this unit or other Rane Flex modules, these few
words should help you refresh your memory.
The FLM 82 is a line level mixer only. It will not accept microphone input levels. Inputs are
accepted in unbalanced pairs. Each of the four two-channel Inputs are set up in a tip-ring-sleeve
configuration such that the tip is Channel A and the ring is Channel B. Input or mix levels are
controlled by a concentric LEVEL control on each Input channel. The outer knob determines the
mix level for Channel B, the inner is Channel A. The AUX SEND Level controls are set up the
same way; outer knob determines the send level for Channel B, inner is Channel A.
The Aux Sends may be internally switched so that they are pre or post input fader. FLM 82s
are shipped from the factory with the internal switches set to the pre position. To change this,
the top cover must be removed and the switches reset to the desired position following the
legends on the circuit board assembly.
Like many of the Flex Series modules, the FLM 82 provides busing capabilities so that it may
be included in a larger mixer configuration with other modules. The FLEX BUS INPUT on the
rear will sum all previous modules on the Bus with the Inputs of the FLM 82. The
OUT connector makes available all signals on the Bus Input as well as locally generated pro-
gram material in the FLM 82. The STEREO/MONO switch on the rear adds Channel A and
Channel B signals together for a mono feed to the MASTER OUTPUTS A and B on the rear of
the unit. Engaging this switch also causes the AUX A and B signals to be combined to one. The
AUX LOOP A and B jacks on the rear may be used either as direct Aux Outputs or for inserting
processing in series with the Aux buses before the are added to the direct A and B Master
Outputs. The use of these jacks will have no effect on Aux signals placed on the FLEX BUS.
The MASTER A and B level controls set the output level to the MASTER A and B Outputs on
the module, and have no effect over levels being delivered to the FLEX BUS OUT connector.
Never connect anything except an approved Rane power supply to the red thing that looks
like a telephone jack on the rear of the FLM 82. This is an AC input and requires special
attention if you do not have a power supply exactly like the one that was originally packed with
your unit. See the explanation of the power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual.
When connecting the FLM 82 to other components in
your system for the first time, leave the power supply for last .
This lets you make mistakes and correct them without damage
to your fragile speakers, ears and nerves.
INPUTS. All inputs on the FLM 82 are unbalanced. Each
of the four TRS INPUT jacks is arranged so that tip drives
Channel A and ring drives Channel B. Use shielded cable for
all input and output wiring. Connect the shield to the sleeve of
the input connector. Rane Note 110 specifies that shields
should be connected at the receiving end of signal cables
only. A copy of this tech note was included with your FLM
82; if you need another, let us know.
BUS INS AND OUTS When connecting the FLM 82 to
other Flex modules through the Bus connectors, it is best to
use the DIN connecting cables supplied with the unit or
replacements ordered from the factory. If this is inconvenient,
any good quality DIN cable may be used as long as it is wired
straight through , that is pin 1 to pin 1 etc. It must be a
shielded cable for optimum performance. You may notice that
the DIN connectors on the FLM 82 and other Flex Modules is
of the seven-pin variety. The FLM 82 does not use the outer
two pins and will therfore not suffer terribly if a five-pin DIN
connector is used. The extra two
pins have been reserved in the Flex
Bus Standard for future use and are
there just in case.
OUTPUTS. Although labeled as loops, the AUX LOOP A
and AUX LOOP B connectors may be used as outputs. If one
wishes to use the loops as outputs and break the signal path so
that the Aux signals do not reach the Master A and B Outputs,
use a mono ¼" tip-sleeve plug, use the tip as hot and the
sleeve as signal ground. If you do not wish to break the signal
path between the Aux Bus and the Master Output, short the
tip and ring of a TRS plug together and use this junction as
your Aux Output.
The other application for this set of jacks is for inserting
processing of your choice between the Aux A and B Buses of
the mixer and the direct Master A and B Outputs. If this is
your choice, use the tip as send and the ring as return.
Connecting devices to these jacks has no effect over what the
FLM sends the Aux Buses on the FLEX BUS OUT connector.
The MASTER A and B outputs are fully balanced. Use the
tip of each connector as hot, ring is not hot and the sleeve
is signal ground.