Canon Paper Shredder User Manual

Page 21

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White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security

Section 3 — Information Security

HDD Data Erase Kit

The optional HDD Data Erase Kit, which is now Standard on all Next Generation imageRUNNER
ADVANCE Systems, enables system administrators to configure their imageRUNNER
ADVANCE to overwrite the internal image server hard disk and erase previous data as part of
routine job processing. The technology can be set to overwrite:

1. Once with null data,
2. Once with random data,
3. Three times with random data,
4. Or DoD 5022.22M 3-pass overwrite mode.

Timing of Overwrite

The timing of the delete is sensitive to what mode and finishing options are set at the time of print
out. Generally, if a jam or other unexpected abnormal end to operation occurs on the device, page
data will be stored until the job can be completed and then overwritten on the hard disk drive.

Please see below for overwrite examples of what occurs on the device in certain job modes using a
job consisting of three sets of three originals.

HDD Data Erase Scheduler MEAP

The optional HDD Data Erase Scheduler MEAP application adds more functionality to the
existing HDD overwriting functions allowing administrators to now schedule when to overwrite
the Canon device’s HDD. Additionally, the HDD Data Erase Scheduler generates a printed
confirmation report upon completion of the HDD data erase. This new MEAP application meets
the customer requirements for easier and more automated HDD erasing and the need for a printed
confirmation that this important security function has been executed. Key features include:

 Set daily, weekly and monthly schedule for overwriting HDD data

 Overwrite HDD data on-demand by the push of a button

 Receive a printed confirmation report upon execution of scheduled or on-demand


The HDD Data Erase Scheduler will overwrite either 1x, 2x, or 3x, depending on how the HDD
Data Erase Function is activated on the device. Users can select the number of overwriting. But
when HDD Data Erase Function is not active on the device, the HDD Data Erase Scheduler
MEAP application only performs 1x wipe based on a set schedule, or upon the push of a button.