Outdoor Great Room Tuscany II-WB Pergola User Manual
Page 6

Step 5:
Place the first two notched crossbeams (G) on top
of the header beams. Ensure assembly is squared
and the cross beams are centered over the col-
umn. If fit is snug, use a rubber mallet to tap
beams into place. (modifications to the notched
portion may be required, depending on humidity
and temperature as natural wood may expand or
contract depending on climate and weather)
Place a third notched crossbeam (G) centered between
the two outer beams. Then repeat this process for the
remaining two notched beams, centering them in
the remaining open space. Beams should be approxi-
mately 30 in. apart (measured from the center of each
beam) Fastening all beams to the top of the header
beams is recommended (P.7) , but not until after the as-
sembly is squared and in its final position.
Step 6: