Cabletron Systems Network Router User Manual

Page 58

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Using the Stand-alone Launcher


About the Stand-alone Launcher

The Þrst time you open the Launcher window, the list box will be
empty, as shown above; each subsequent time you start the Launcher,
the database you have created by adding and/or discovering devices
will automatically be loaded, and the following information about
each device you have added will be displayed in the list box.

Contact Status

The color displayed in the box at the left edge of the list box indicates
the status of the connection between SPMA and the device:



means SPMA has established a valid SNMP connection

with the device.



means that the device is active and responds to PING

requests, but will not respond to an SNMP request. This may mean
you have used an invalid community name to deÞne the device in
the Launcher database.



means that SPMA is trying to reach the device, but doesnÕt

yet know if the connection will be successful.



means that SPMA is unable to contact or has lost contact with

the device.



The database created by the Launcher will be stored, along with other SPMA
configuration information, in the CTRONDB directory you defined during
installation. If more than one user will be running SPMA applications from
the same workstation and each wishes to maintain a separate database of
devices, the CTRONDB variable must be set to a different location for each
user. Multiple users using the same CTRONDB definition on the same
workstation will all view and modify a single database of devices each time
the Launcher is invoked. Using separate CTRONDB definitions will also
prevent any access problems resulting from each userÕs default permissions

By default, the database is named sal.db; at present, it cannot be moved or

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