Cabletron Systems Network Router User Manual

Page 33

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Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager

Installing SPMA


The CTRONDB variable deÞnes the directory in which SPMA will
store the various database Þles created and maintained by its
applications; these typically contain management information set by
the user, such as default polling intervals, Token Ring security lists,
bridge conÞguration parameters, and the database of devices used by
the Stand-alone Launcher.

By default, this variable will be set to /usr/ctron/ctrondb, and the

directory will be created automatically during installation.

However, if more than one user will be running SPMA applications
from the same workstation, each may want to set the CTRONDB
variable to a different location to protect other usersÕ settings from
being overwritten. Using separate CTRONDB deÞnitions will also
prevent any access problems resulting from each userÕs default
permissions settings. SPMAs can be run with read-only access to
database Þles, but you will not be able to save any conÞgurations you
make from the applications in a read-only database.

You can set this location to any directory. If you deÞne CTRONDB as
a directory which did not previously exist, be sure you create it and
make it writable

before running any SPMA applications.


If youÕre not sure what shell youÕre using Ñ and therefore which of the
procedures below you should follow Ñ type
echo $SHELL; if the response
comes back
/bin/csh, you are using C shell; if it comes back /bin/ksh, you
are using Korn shell; and if it comes back
/bin/sh, you are using Bourne



The directory defined as CTRONDB must not be across an NFS mount
point from the workstation that is running the executable files (although the
executable files themselves can be located across an NFS mount point from
the workstation that is running them). If you use this kind of arrangement,
application performance will be severely impaired, and may fail completely.

00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 15 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM