Cabletron Systems Network Router User Manual

Page 24

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Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager


Preparing Your Workstation for Installation


Log on to the target workstation as root.


Create a directory for the CD mount point by typing:

mkdir /cdrom


Check to make sure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set
to the hostname of your workstation by typing echo $DISPLAY.

If the DISPLAY environment variable is set to workstation’s hostname>:0.0 or :0.0, you do not need to set the
DISPLAY environment variable; proceed to step 8.

If the DISPLAY is set to a hostname other than your own or
not set at all
, set the DISPLAY environment variable to the
hostname of your workstation using one of the following

for C Shell

setenv DISPLAY :0

for Korn and Bourne Shell



If you did not start the windowing environment as root you will
also need to give root permission to display by switching to the
username you used to launch the windowing environment, and
typing the following from the command line:

xhost +


Adding the line specified above to your /etc/dfs/dfstab file will permanently
export the CD-ROM filesystem (until the line is removed); exporting from
the command line only will export the CD-ROM filesystem until the next
time you re-boot.

00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 6 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM