2installation _ assembly – Metalfab Bin Activator User Manual
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Installation _ Assembly
1. Specific sequence of installing a Metalfab Bin Activator can be changed to
suit individual requirements. Most important is the end result, i.e., proper
alignment and tightness of nuts, bolts and sleeve clamps.
2. Plan view orientation of the vibrator location with respect to the storage bin is
not critical. It can be located to suit.
3. For units provided with bolt holes, the bolt holes can be pre-drilled in the
mating bin flange. Care must be taken to make certain that the flange is not
warped or not distorted. If the bin flange is warped, distorted or not level,
transfer bolt holes from the mounting flange at the time of installation. Shim,
with metal, as required before bolting mating flanges.
4. The mating flanges can also be welded, continuous internal and intermittent
or continuous external.
5. When bolting the mating flange, it is good practice t use a sealant such as
Permatex, Silastic or similar material between the flanges to prevent leakage
of fine particle size products. A thin, approximately 1/8Åh gasket of resilient
material may be used in place of a sealant. Sealant by others.
6. After installing the completely assembled Bin Activator and tightening all
bolts, run the unit empty for approximately ten minutes. Then recheck the
suspension arm bolts, vibrating mounting bolts and sleeve clamps for
tightness. Suspension arm bolts are Grade 5 and must be torqued to 466
foot pounds; vibrator mounting bolts as follows:
3 / 8Åh BOLT.....GRADE 5 ........................35 FOOT POUNDS
1 / 2Åh BOLT.....GRADE 5 ......................125 FOOT POUNDS
5 / 8Åh BOLT.....GRADE 5 ......................160 FOOT POUNDS
3 / 4Åh BOLT.....GRADE 8 ......................310 FOOT POUNDS
7 / 8Åh BOLT.....GRADE 8 ......................473 FOOT POUNDS
1Åh BOLT...........GRADE 8 ......................540 FOOT POUNDS
7. Metalfab 10 foot and 12 foot diameter Bin Activators and special units are
shipped unassembled, in some cases the mounting flange is split in half for
shipping purposes.