Diagnostics, Getting heip, Diagnostics -12 – Dell C/Dock Expansion Station User Manual

Page 16: Getting help -12, Iagnostics

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The maximum number of workstations (not counting
concentrators) on a network is 1024.

The maximum number of daisy-chained concentra­

tors on one network segment is four.

Network Connector Indicators

The network connector on the C/Dock Expansion Station

has the following indicators (see Figure 1-13):



link integrity indicator

activity indicator

Figure 1-13. Network Connector Indicators

A green link integrity indicator lights up when there

is a good connection between the network and the

network connector on the C/Dock Expansion Sta­
tion. When the green indicator is off, the computer is
not detecting a physical connection to the network.

When the green light blinks, the network cable has

reversed polarity and you should use another cable.

A yellow activity indicator flashes when the system

is transmitting or receiving network data. (A high

volume of network traffic may make this indicator

appear to be in a steady “on” state.)

The Dell Diagnostics that came with your Dell Latitude
computer includes tests that help you troubleshoot the
controllers in your C/Dock Expansion Station.

The subtests in the Network Interface test group of the
Dell Diagnostics verify the basic operation of the net­

work controller in the C/Dock Expansion Station. They
test the controller’s internal functions, including read and
write access to its registers and internal transmit and
receive (loopback) capability.

The subtests in the Serial/Infrared Ports test group check

the C/Dock Expansion Station’s interface with external

devices (such as a serial mouse or a printer). The subtests in

this test group are not intended as a diagnostic test for the

external device itself.

The subtests in the USB test group check the C/Dock
Expansion Station’s interface with external devices (such
as a mouse). The subtests in this test group are not
intended as a diagnostic test for the external device itself.

For complete instructions on using the Dell Diagnostics,

see Chapter 4, “Running the Dell Diagnostics,” in the

Reference and Troubleshooting Guide that accompanied

your computer.

Getting Heip

If you do not understand a procedure described in this
document, or if your C/Dock Expansion Station does not

perform as expected, you can call Dell for technical assis­
tance. Use the appropriate telephone number found in the

“Contacting Dell” section of the computer’s online Sys­

tem User’s Guide or in Chapter 5, “Getting Help,” of the

Reference and Troubleshooting Guide that accompanied

your computer.

1-12 Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station User’s Guide