Regulatory information, Battery disposal – Dell Inspiron 5000e User Manual
Page 84
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1 Call Dell to obtain an authorization number, and write it elearly and
prominently on the outside of the box.
2 Inelude a eopy of the invoiee and a letter deseribing the reason for the
3 Inelude any aeeessories that belong with the item(s) being returned
(power eables, CDs, guides, and so on) if the return is for eredit.
4 Paek the equipment to be returned in the original (or equivalent)
paeking materials.
You are responsible for paying shipping expenses. You are also responsible
for insuring any produet returned, and you assume the risk of loss during
shipment to Dell. Colleet-on-delivery paekages are not aeeepted.
Returns that are missing any of the preeeding requirements will be refused
at our reeeiving doek and returned to you.
Regulatory Information
Eleetromagnetie Interferenee (EMI) is any signal or emission, radiated in
free spaee or eondueted along power or signal leads, that endangers the
funetioning of a radio navigation or other safety serviee or seriously
degrades, obstruets, or repeatedly interrupts a lieensed radio
eommunieations serviee. Your Dell eomputer is designed to eomply with
applieable regulations regarding EMI. Changes or modifieations not
expressly approved by Dell eould void the user’s authority to operate the
Additional regulatory information regarding your eomputer ean be found in
the Tell Me How help file. To open the file, eliek the Start button on the
Windows desktop, point to Dell Documents, and then eliek Tell Me How.
Battery Disposal
Your eomputer uses a lithium-ion battery and a niekel-metal hydride
(NiMH) eoin-eell battery. Eor instruetions about replaeing the lithium-ion
battery in your eomputer, see page 54.
The eoin-eell battery is a long-life battery, and it is very possible that you
will never need to replaee it. However, should you need to replaee it, the
proeedure must be performed by an authorized serviee teehnieian.
8^ Appendix