Vinten Radamec HDVRC User Manual
Page 37

Publication Part No. V4009-4980 Issue 3.1
If the edge of the pedestal and the edge of the target are not parallel, switch the pedestal from Auto
to Manual and from Crab to Steer, rotate the pedestal to align it with the target. Switch from Steer
to Crab and switch from Manual to Automatic mode. Enable the pedestal (OPTS>ENABLE).
The select the relevant target from the list and select OK. The Fusion FP-145 pedestal will drive
itself across the target while optically scanning the floor to determine the datum target position.
When the pedestal stops moving, a dialog appears confirming that targeting was completed
Figure 16 Fusion Pedestal targeting start positions
Make sure that the pedestal stops in the position shown in Figure 17
when it finishes targeting. This ensures that the target sensor (located
approximately below the handle on the East side of the pedestal)
travels completely across the target. If the pedestal stops before the
sensor crosses all lines (even if the pop-up window indicates targeting
was successful) repeat steps 1 through 5. If the pedestal travels
beyond the edge of the target you will get an error message and you
must repeat steps 1 through 5.
FP-145 MKI pedestal
3 line floor target
FP-145 MKII pedestal
L shaped floor target