Vinten Radamec Free-d User Manual
Page 31

Vinten Broadcast Ltd
Installation Manual V1.4.4
Page 31 of 46
Bits in the ‘switch settings’ byte are as follows:
Bits 0-3:
Setting of the hex switch S5 (inverted)
Bit 4:
0 = S2 left (decrease value / scroll left)
Bit 5:
0 = S2 right (increase value / scroll right)
Bit 6:
0 = S4 closed (save settings)
Bit 7:
0 = S3 left (results mode), 1 = S3 right (entry mode)
Bits in the ‘LED indications’ byte are as follows:
Bit 0:
1 = video input present
Bit 1:
1 = video input OK
Bit 2:
1 = serial data input present
Bit 3:
1 = data ‘freeze’ mode, 0 = normal
Bit 4:
1 = too few targets
Bit 5:
1 = RMS error high
Bit 6:
1 = DSP alert (see DSP status)
Bit 7:
1 = fault (see system status)
Note that only one ‘video input’ LED (D3) is present in the hardware, which
lights when both Bit 0 and Bit 1 of the ‘LED indications’ byte are set.
The version numbers should be interpreted as BCD, with an implied decimal
point between the two digits; eg, 12 (hexadecimal) refers to version 1.2.
The RMS error is expressed in pixels as a 24-bit positive number, where the
most-significant bit (bit 23) is always zero, the next 8 bits (bits 22 to 15) are the
integer part and the remaining bits (bits 14 to 0) are the fractional part;
alternatively, this may be thought of as an unsigned integer value in units of
1/32768 pixels. The range of values is from zero to nearly 256.0 pixels
(7FFFFF hex).
The ‘DSP alert’ bit is set whenever the DSP status is negative (bit 7 set).
The ‘fault' bit is set whenever the system status byte is non-zero.