Temperature adjustment – Vintage Cellars Magnum 12-Bottle User Manual
Page 9

5. Use soapy water to find the leak or return the regulator to WineKeeper for repair.
6. If leak is not in the regulator, or the regulator leak has been repaired, continue.
Checking the system (For this test, the WineKeeper should be connected to wine bottles with 2-3 ounces
of liquid for best results.)
1. Reconnect the supply line and open the cylinder valve.
2. Leave the valve open for 30 seconds to completely pressurize the system.
3. Close off the nitrogen pinch clamps. Stopper assemblies must be in the wine bottles and
tightened down at this time.
4. Turn off the cylinder valve and note the pressure on the regulator’s gauge.
5. Leave the unit undisturbed for 20 minutes.
6. If the pressure drops, your problem is in the supply line between the regulator and the pinch
clamps. If the pressure does not drop, continue to step #7. Check the supply tubes where they
pass through the cabinet for holes, cracks, or chafing.
7. While observing the cylinder contents on the regulator’s pressure gauge, open and close each
pinch clamp one at a time. Stop if you see the pressure gauge drop while the pinch clamp is open,
because you have found a problem. It could be that the stopper-assembly has not been tightened
into the bottle correctly, that the tube below the pinch clamp has a hole, or that the latex ring has
become excessively worn. Address each of these possibilities and repeat these steps if necessary. If
no leak is found, human error is suspected as the cause of the leak.
8. If this problem continues contact WineKeeper for additional help.
Note: If the stopper assembly appears to be leaking wine, tighten the stainless steel hose clamp that
connects the clear wine tube to the stainless steel tube right above the stopper assembly. Look for a leak
anywhere in the wine tube or the barb on the back of the thru-wall inside the cabinet. Remember that
your WineKeeper should be cleaned at least once a month.
Temperature Adjustment
Magnum units are equipped with a plexi-glass divider separating the white zone from the red zone. This
divider has adjustable vent hole covers that control the amount of cool air entering the red zone. (Six to
ten bottle Magnum units are also equipped with a heating element in the red wine side to help
maintain a warmer temperature in the red zone. On these units, the heating element adjustment
knob is located on the vent panel; turning this knob clockwise will increase the temperature in the
red zone, and vise-versa.) To adjust the temperature in the white wine zone, you will need to locate and
remove the large vent grill on the back of the unit to access the thermostat adjustment knob. The grey
thermostat knob is located on the top of the white cover box. Turning the knob on these units counter-
clockwise will make the unit run colder; turning it clockwise will cause the unit to run warmer.
Adjusting this thermostat knob will affect the temperature in both zones. Once you have achieved
your desired temperature in the white side, then use the adjustable vent holes in the divider (and/or
heating element on 6-10 bottle units) to adjust the red side to your desired temperature. Allow a
minimum of 2 hours between temperature adjustments to allow the air temperature to stabilize.