Vetter Mini Lifting bags 8 bar (116 psi) User Manual
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Important preliminary remarks
Only knowledge and the exact observance of this operating ma-
nual guarantee correct and reliable operation, achieve the best
possible usage and ensure any claims made within the framework
of the Vetter guarantee.
Only staff are to use Vetter mini-lifting bags who have been inst-
ructed in their use by the manufacturer‘s operating manual and
operating instructions.
The disposal of discarded lifting bags is to be carried out accor-
ding to disposal regulations valid for the region.
The operating instructions given here are to be regarded as part
of the product and are to be kept for the complete life duration of
the product. In case the product should be passed on to a succes-
sive user then the operating instructions must also be included.
Description of the product
2.1 Description of the set
a. Mini-Lifting Bags
Bag size selection is made according to the task. There are 16 dif-
ferent sizes from 1.1 t to 67.7 tons with a choice of steel cord or
aramide reinforcement.
There are inflation hoses available (5 m and 10 m in length) which
enable the user to control the Mini-Lifting Bags from a safe posi-
tion. The colours of the hoses, RED and YELLOW, avoid any con-
fusion during control of the different sides (inlets and outlets) of
Mini-Lifting Bags.
c. Air CU (Control Unit) 8 bar deadman
Connect the inflation hoses to the outlet coupling on the rear side
of the controller. Connect the air supply to the inlet coupling on
the side. Move the control lever to the front in order to inflate the
Mini-Lifting Bag. In doing this, observe the corresponding mano-
meters and the load. Release the control lever, thus ending the
inflation process, when the required operating pressure for the lift
power or lift height is reached. Latest when the safety valve blows
off or the red marking is reached! The control lever automatically
returns to the center position (zero) when released (deadman