Double-diamond limited warranty, Red double diamond, Limited warranty policy & registration – Modern AG Super Highway Special User Manual

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douBle-diaMond liMited warranty

all modern ag Products implements carry a non-transferable one-year manufacturing defects war-

ranty, which covers any latent defect in parts and/or workmanship. Our exclusive DOuBLe DIamOnD

LImIteD WaRRantY SYStem additionally covers gearboxes and deck rust thru on all galvanized cut-

ters for varying periods of time. See explanation below.

Provides a 5 year limited warranty on gearbox and 10 year limited

warranty on deck rust thru.

Galvanized Highway and Predatorrr series only.

red douBle diaMond


SERIAL #____________________________________

DeaLeR____________________________________ Date DeLIVeReD_____________________

DeaLeR’S StamP

maIL tO:


modern, Inc. warrants its products for a period of one year after date of sale by authorized dealer to be free from defects in material and work-

manship, and will replace at its factory, any parts that will be returned, with shipping charges prepaid, and when examined by us, will disclose it to

be defective. this warranty will not apply to implements or parts that have been subjected to misuse, negligence, accident, or that have been

altered or repaired.

1. Parts may not be returned without authorization by modernag Products.

2. all products returned under warranty inspection claim must be returned PRePaID to our factory.

3. Our obligation under the above warranty is limited to repair or replacement at our factory of any part or parts which modern, Inc. decides to be


4. Products or parts that have been examined by modern, Inc. and determined to be improperly operated, damaged by accident or negligence,

field repaired or altered, are not covered by this warranty.

5. modern, Inc. reserves the right to change our specification and designs at any time.

6. this warranty will not obligate modern, Inc. to bear any cost of labor for field replacement, testing, or adjustment.

liMited warranty Policy & regiStration

DEALER: I hereby certify that:

1. the machine has been correctly assembled in accordance with

manufacturers instructions.

2. all bolts have been checked and tightened.

3. all other pre-delivery checks have been completed as per

operators manual.

4. Purchaser was given operators manual and instructed in safe and

correct usage of machine and on limitation of warranty.

5. machine was tested and operates correctly.

PURCHASER: I hereby certify that:

1. the machine is correctly assembled.

2. Receipt of the operators manual which I have read and clearly


3. I have a clear understanding of the warranty limitations.

4. I have a clear understanding on the correct and safe operation of

the machine

5. that the machine needs regular maintenance as per instructions

in operators manual.

6. I have a clear understanding on the capacity of this machine and

am aware of its limitations.

(On painted cutters, the extended limited warranties only cover gearboxes. The warranties do no cover deck rust thru.)