Modern AG Super Highway Special User Manual
Page 33

Superrr Highway & 7' Predatorrr - 33
oPeration Section
tractor Pre-oPeration inspection
Cutter ID#________________ make ____________________
Date: ________________ Shift ____________________
Before conducting the inspection, make sure the tractor engine is off, all rotation has stopped
and the tractor is in park with the parking brake engaged. Make sure the cutter is resting on
the ground or securely blocked up.
the flashing lights function properly
the SmV Sign is clean and visible
the tires are in good condition with proper pressure
the wheel lug bolts are tight
the tractor brakes are in good condition
the steering linkage is in good condition
there are no visible oil leaks
the hydraulic controls function properly
the ROPS or ROBS Cab is in good condition
the seatbelt is in place and in good condition
the 3-point hitch is in good condition
the drawbar pins are securely in place
the PtO master shield is in place
the engine oil level is full
the brake fluid level is full
the power steering fluid level is full
the fuel level is adequate
the engine coolant fluid level is full
the radiator is free of debris
the air filter is in good condition
Operator’s Signature:
do not oPerate an unSafe tractor or cutter
Condition at
Start of Shift
Specific Comments
if not O.K.