Modern AG Super Highway Special User Manual
Page 32

32 - Superrr Highway & 7' Predatorrr
oPeration Section
rotary cutter Pre-oPeration inspection
Cutter ID#________________ make ____________________
Date: ________________ Shift ____________________
Before conducting the inspection, make sure the tractor engine is off, all rotation has stopped
and the tractor is in park with the parking brake engaged. Make sure the cutter is resting on
the ground or securely blocked up.
the Operator’s manual is in the canister on the cutter
all safety decals are in place and legible
the hitch connection bolts & pins are tight
the cutter deck is clear of cut grass and debris
Chain guards/deflectors are in place & in good condition
Driveline/gearbox shields are in good condition
Driveline telescoping members & u-joints are lubricated
Driveline yokes are securely attached to PtO & cutter
Gearbox mounting bolts are tight
Gearbox oil is at the proper level
Blade carrier retaining nut is tight
Blades are not chipped, cracked or bent
Blade bolts are tight
Wheel lug nuts are tight
Operator’s Signature:
do not oPerate an unSafe tractor or cutter
Condition at
Start of Shift
Specific Comments
if not O.K.