Index – Mercedes-Benz E-Coupe 2010 COMAND Manual User Manual

Page 8

background image


see Address book

Contrast setting

main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 179, 183

Copyright, audio ................................ 133

Crosshair position in map .................. 54

saving in Last Destinations .............. 95

Current location of vehicle

see Vehicle location (current)

Current street, displaying ................... 58

Customer Assistance Center,

calling ................................................. 217


Data for navigation

see Updating map software

Daylight Savings Time ........................ 41

Day mode (display)

main display ..................................... 42
rear seat entertainment system ..... 172

Deregistering Bluetooth devices ..... 101

Destination input ................................. 62

entering a city .................................. 64
Entering a house number ................. 68
from destination memory ................. 71
from Last Destinations ..................... 72
from map ......................................... 72
Selecting a state/province .............. 63
speed restriction on ................... 50, 72
Stopover .......................................... 73
via address ...................................... 63

Destination memory (See also Last

Destinations) ................................. 71, 91

adding stopover destination ............ 73
choosing destination from ............... 71
home address in .............................. 91
saving destinations to .............. 93, 196
voice control for ............................ 196

Destination reached message ............ 83


adding to address book ................... 94
displaying information about ........... 86
distance to, displaying ..................... 58
guidance to ...................................... 80
moving map to ................................. 55

saving to destination
memory ................................... 93, 196
Search & Send service ................... 217
selecting point of interest ................ 74
stopover destinations ...................... 73
voice control with .......................... 192
see Route guidance

Detour function ................................... 85

Dialed calls, list of ............................. 106

Dialing telephone

see Calling


see Voice control

Disc handling ....................... 48, 134, 156

Disk drive, rear seat entertainment

multiuser operation ....................... 171

Disk drive for rear seat

entertainment system ...................... 168

Display, main ....................................... 18

automatic DVD picture switch-off .. 156
brightness setting ............................ 41
menus ........................................ 25, 30
rear view camera ............................. 44
settings for ...................................... 41
switching on/off .............................. 40
with voice command ...................... 188

Display, map

see Map display

Display screens, rear seat

entertainment .................................... 167

hiding or showing menus ............... 178
multiuser operation ....................... 171
selecting for headset ..................... 169
selecting for remote ...................... 167

Distance to destination, displaying ... 58

District, selecting as destination ....... 67

with voice commands .................... 194

Downloading address book

content ............................................... 117

Driving maneuvers .............................. 81

DRM (Digital Rights Management) ... 148

DTMF tone transmission .................. 111

DVD Audio, main vehicle .................. 131

ejecting discs ................................. 136
fast forward and reverse ................ 142
handling and care of discs ....... 48, 134
loading discs .................................. 134



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