Getting started pg3.pdf, 6a 6b 7a 7b, Caution hot – Losi LOSB0012 Getting Started Guide User Manual
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When you are done running your Aftershock, push the primer button down to stop the engine (fig.7A). It may be necessary to
push the primer button down several times. If the engine does not stop,use the handle of a screw driver or a rag to cover the
exhaust pipe exit (fig.7B), being EXTREMELY careful not to burn your hand as this will be hot.
Caution HOT!
Stopping the Engine
Start your Engine
Attach the glow plug ignitor (not included)(fig. 6A) to the glow plug and if metered make sure the needle is in the green or
good condition. Pull the start cord (no more than 4 or 5 inches) firmly(fig 6B.). The engine should start. If the engine does not
turn over, it is probably flooded. Use a glow plug wrench to loosen the glow plug at least two turns and try again. Raw fuel
should come out around the plug. Tighten the plug and resume starting procedure. Follow the engine break-in procedure
before attempting any racing or high performance operation. Use caution when adding fuel while the engine is running. Do
not over fill or spill fuel outside the tank.