Smart battery connector, 4 smart battery connector – Kontron COMe Ref.Carrier T6 User Manual
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COMe Reference Carrier Type 6
/ Connectors and Features
The LTC1760 automatically switches between power sources in less than 10μs to prevent power interruption upon
battery or wall adapter removal. It implements all elements of a version 1.1 “Smart Battery System Manager” except
for the generation of composite battery information. An internal multiplexer cleanly switches the SMBus Host to the
attached Smart Battery without generating partial messages to the battery or SMBus host. The Thermistor on the
battery is automatically monitored for temperature and disconnection information (SafetySignal).
Hardware programmable limits for maximum charge current and voltage improve the safety of the complete system.
For more information see datasheet of LTC1760.
5.16.4 Smart Battery Connector
A cable adapter for SMART Batteries to J110 and J111 is available with following data: