JDC Electronic SA Geos 11 SkywatchLog User Manual
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You can choose from 2 formats : .txt and .csv.
o The Text format (*.txt) allows a reading on
standard text editors, such as Windows
o The Comma-separated values format (*.csv)
allows to easily export data to Microsoft® Excel.
Settings can be accessed and changed from the
FILES -> PREFERENCES menu. Select from the left
pane (white) which area to set preferences, and the
right area to make adjustments.
Select “General” from the left pane to adjust the
measurement units for wind, temperature, pressure,
and altitude. Exporting options are also found here.
In « SKYWATCH Geos N°11 », you will find the set up
panel that will allow you to set up the following
parameters :
o Time and date
o Altitude and air pressure
o Recording frequency of meteorological data
o The duration before automatic switch off
o The backlight duration
Advanced calibration can be done by selecting “GEOS
n°11 Advanced Calibration” in the right panel. This
includes an offset for daily time (in case the GEOS’
clock is slightly fast or slow), and many other settings
not normally used except by the advanced user.
Write the new settings to the GEOS with “Write GEOS
n°11 Setup”. To input the GEOS’ settings, select “Read
GEOS n°11 Setup”.
To select another language, go in
Once in «PREFERENCES», choose «LANGUAGE»
and click in the writing zone «LANGUAGE», select the
desired language and click on «CONFIRM».
For more information, please refer to the help menu in
the SkywatchLog software and to our web site.
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– Suisse
Tél. 0041 (24) 445 2121 - Fax 0041 (24) 445 2123