JDC Electronic SA Skywatch Atmos User Manual
JDC Electronic SA Measuring instruments

Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
incorrect use.
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
the impeller.
Votre instrument est garanti par JDC ELECTRONIC
SA pendant une année à partir de la date d’achat
contre tout défaut matériel ou de fabrication. Sont
exclus de cette garantie les dommages causés par
une utilisation inadéquate.
Le principe de mesure de la vitesse du
est basé sur la détection du champ
magnétique tournant produit par l’hélice. Si l’appareil
est en présence d’un fort champ magnétique produit
par un transformateur ou un moteur, il se peut que
l’instrument indique des valeurs non désirées, en
l’absence de rotation de l’hélice.
Ihr Gerät unterliegt ab Kaufdatum einer einjährigen
Garantie von JDC ELECTRONIC SA gegen jegliche
Material- oder Herstellungsmängel. Von dieser
Garantie ausgeschlossen sind Schäden, die auf eine
unsachgemäße Nutzung zurückzuführen sind.
Das Prinzip der Geschwindigkeitsmessung des
basiert auf der Erkennung
des vom Flügelrad erzeugten, drehenden Magnetfelds.
Falls das Geräts in der Nähe eines von einem
Transformator oder Motor erzeugten starken
Magnetfelds befi ndet, zeigt das Gerät möglicherweise
unerwünschte Werte an, obwohl das Flügelrad sich
nicht dreht.
Su instrumento está garantizado por JDC
ELECTRONIC SA durante un año a partir de la fecha
de compra contra cualquier defecto material o de
fabricación. Quedan excluidos de esta garantía los
daños causados por un uso inadecuado.
El principio de la medición de la velocidad del
se basa en la detección del
campo magnético giratorio producido por la hélice. Si
el aparato está en presencia de un campo magnético
fuerte producido por un transformador o un motor,
puede que el instrumento indique valores no deseados
en ausencia de rotación de la hélice.
Il vostro strumento è garantito da JDC ELECTRONIC
SA per un anno dalla data di acquisto contro ogni
difetto materiale o di fabbricazione. Sono esclusi
da questa garanzia i danni causati da un utilizzo
Il principio di misura della velocità del
si bas a sulla rilevazione del campo
magnetico ruotante prodotto dall’elica. Se
l’apparecchio è in presenza di un forte campo
magnetico prodotto da un trasformatore o un motore,
è probabile che lo strumento indichi valori non
desiderati, in assenza di rotazione dell’elica.
Mesure de la température (affi chage du bas)
Température instantanée
Important : l’inertie thermique de l’appareil agit
directement sur le temps de stabilisation de la mesure.
Plus la différence de température est importante, plus
ce temps sera long. Ce dernier est d’autant plus court
que la vitesse du vent est élevée.
Température ressentie
Comme vous le savez certainement, les basses
températures sont dangereuses pour le corps humain.
Mais saviez-vous que le vent infl uence fortement les
températures ressenties réellement par votre corps ?
Par exemple, une température ambiante de 0°C et un
vent de 30 km/h agissent comme une température de
-13°C ! Le résultat du calcul de l’effet du vent sur la
température s’appelle «température ressentie». A la
mer, en montagne, en randonnée ou à vélo, le
vous donne instantanément la
température ressentie par votre corps et vous prévient
des engelures et de l’hypothermie.
Température minimum, température maximum
Dans ces deux modes, il s’agit de la valeur minimale
ou maximale mesurée sur le temps de la moyenne.
La valeur est mise à zéro lors d’un RESET de la
Point de rosée
Le point de rosée (°F et °C ) est calculé en tenant
compte du taux d’humidité et de la température
ambiante. Il indique la température à laquelle l’air ne
peut plus absorber d’humidité (formations de nuages,
de brouillard, de rosée, de condensation sur les
objets, etc.).
Exemple: À une température ambiante de 23°C et un
taux d’humidité de 39.5%rH, le point de rosée se situe
à 12°C.
Mesure de l’humidité (affi chage du milieu)
Humidité instantanée
L’humidité ambiante dépend de la température. En
déplaçant l’appareil d’un endroit chaud à un endroit
froid, les valeurs mesurées seront différentes. Dans
l’atmosphère, l’humidité n’est pas homogène, ainsi
deux endroits proches l’un de l’autre peuvent donner
des résultats différents. La transpiration et/ou la
respiration d’une personne très proche de l’appareil
peuvent infl uencer la mesure.
Humidité minimum, humidité maximum
Dans ces deux modes, il s’agit de la valeur minimale
ou maximale mesurée sur le temps de la moyenne.
La valeur est mise à zéro lors d’un RESET de la
Données techniques
› Rétro éclairage
› Appareil étanche et résistant aux intempéries
› Filetage sous l’appareil permettant sa fi xation sur un
trépied (1/4’’)
› Précision de l’anémomètre : ± 3% (10 à150 km/h),
dépendant de son orientation dans le vent
› Résolution de l’anémomètre : 0.1 jusqu’à 99.9, puis
1 unité
› Plage de mesure de l’anémomètre: 2 à 150 km/h
› Précision du thermomètre : ± 0.4°C (à 25°C)
› Résolution du thermomètre : 0.1 unité
› Plage de mesure du thermomètre: -20 à +70°C
› Précision de l’hygromètre : ± 3% (20 à 80%rH)
› Résolution de l’hygromètre : 0.1
› Plage de mesure de l’hygromètre : 2 à 100%rH
› Alimentation : 2 piles 1.5V AA
Autonomie des piles, au minimum 3 ans avec un
usage occasionnel de l’éclairage de l’affi chage.
Indicateur de piles faibles. Pour le changement,
dévisser les trois vis de la plaque métallique.
› Poids : 235 grammes (insubmersible)
› Dimensions : ø65 X 155 mm
› Garantie : 1 année
Vous venez d’acquérir un appareil de haute précision,
réalisé avec les technologies les plus modernes. Il a
été conçu pour résister à un usage intensif. Cependant
et afi n de conserver son aspect et sa précision, nous
vous recommandons de le traiter avec soin et de lire
attentivement ce mode d’emploi.
Fonction des boutons
ON : pression pendant 1 seconde
OFF : pression pendant 2 secondes
(non auto off)
LIGHT : courte pression on et off
UP : mode réglage
START / STOP : mode chronomètre
DOWN : mode réglage
LAP / RESET : mode chronomètre
SET / CAL : mode réglage
RESET MEMORY : pression pendant 3
Confi guration
Pour entrer dans le mode de confi guration de votre
appareil, il suffi t de presser sur le bouton . Lorsqu’on
presse une nouvelle fois sur le bouton , le système
valide le réglage s’il y a eu une modifi cation, sinon il
passe au réglage suivant. Pour modifi er les réglages,
il faut utiliser les boutons et . Voici la manière de
procéder pour les différents réglages de l’appareil.
Unité de mesure du vent
Les unités sélectionnables sont : km/h, mph, knots,
m/s, fps et Beaufort. Une fois l’unité choisie, celle-ci
reste affi chée en haut à droite. Lorsqu’aucune unité
n’est affi chée, l’appareil se trouve en mode Beaufort.
Unité de mesure de la température
Les unités sélectionnables sont : °F, °C, °F , °C ,
°F et °C .
Unité de mesure de l’humidité
L’humidité est affi chée dans une seule unité: %rH.
Réglage du temps de la moyenne
Les temps sélectionnables sont : --- (pondération), 3’’,
6’’, 12’’, 30’’, 1’, 6’, 30’, 1:00’, 6:00’, 12:00’, 24:00’ ou
Timer .
Le mode Timer permet de mesurer la moyenne,
le min et le max sur une durée défi nie entre un
start (presser ) et un stop (presser ). Ce temps
est affi ché sur la ligne inférieure. Ce Timer permet
également d’utiliser la fonction LapTime (presser
, le symbole clignote). Le bouton permet
aussi de faire une mise à zéro du Timer. Celui-ci
fonctionne de la même manière qu’un chronomètre
Réglage de l’affi chage du vent, de la température et
de l’humidité.
Les affi chages sélectionnables sont : ---, MIN, AV,
Lorsque MIN est sélectionné, seules la température et
l’humidité sont concernées, le vent continue à affi cher
la valeur instantanée (---).
Lorsque l’unité sélectionnée est °F ou °C , le
réglage de l’affi chage se limite à --- ou MIN.
Mesure du vent (affi chage du haut)
Important : le capuchon doit être retiré de l’instrument
afi n de permettre la rotation de l’hélice. L’hélice a une
sensibilité maximale en position verticale (grâce à sa
sustentation magnétique) et une précision optimale
lorsque son axe de rotation est perpendiculaire à la
direction du vent.
La vitesse moyenne ou maximale du vent est calculée
sur le temps de la moyenne. Ces valeurs sont mises à
zéro lors d’un RESET de la mémoire.
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
is based on the detection of a rotating
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
Your instrument has a one year warranty, against
material or manufacturing defects, from JDC
ELECTRONIC SA starting from the date of purchase.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by
is based on the detection of a rotating
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
The wind measuring principle of
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
transformer or motor, it may happen that the instrument
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
the impeller.
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
the impeller.
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
the impeller.
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
shows undesirable values, without any rotation from
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
subject to a strong magnetic fi eld produced by a
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
is based on the detection of a rotating
magnetic fi eld produced by an impeller. If the device is
Temperature measurement (bottom display)
Instantaneous temperature
Important: Thermal inertia of the instrument directly
affects the stabilisation time of the measurement. The
greater the temperature difference is the longer this
time will be. This time will be shorter if the wind speed
is higher.
Wind-chill temperature
As you know, exposure to low temperatures is
potentially dangerous to the human body. But did you
know that wind plays a signifi cant part in how your body
actually feels temperatures? For example, an ambient
temperature of 0°C and a 30 km/h wind have the
same effect on you as a temperature of -13°C! The
result of the calculation of the effect of wind on the
temperature is called the “wind-chill temperature”. By
the sea, in the mountains, hiking or cycling, the
shows immediately the
temperature felt by the body and warns of risks of
chilblains and hypothermia.
Min and max temperature
These two modes show the min or max values
measured over time of the average. The value is reset
to zero during a RESET of the memory.
Dew point
The dew point (°F and °C ) is calculated taking into
account the humidity and the ambient temperature.
It gives the temperature at which the water vapour
contained in the air has reached saturation point
(formation of clouds, fog, dew, condensation on
objects, etc.).
Example: At an ambient temperature of 23°C and a
humidity of 39.5% rH, the dew point is 12°C.
Humidity measurement (middle display)
Instantaneous humidity
Ambient humidity depends on the temperature. When
moving the instrument from a warm environment to a
cold environment, the values measured will vary. In the
atmosphere, humidity is not uniform, and two locations
that are close to each other may give different results.
A person perspiring and/or breathing very near the
instrument may impact on the measurement.
Minimum humidity, maximum humidity
These two modes show the min or max values
measured over time of the average. The value is reset
to zero during a RESET of the memory.
Technical data
› Backlight
› Sealed and weatherproof instrument
› Thread on the bottom of the instrument for fi xing to a
tripod (1/4’’)
› Anemometer precision: ± 3% (10 to 150 km/h),
depending on its orientation in the wind
› Anemometer resolution: 0.1 to 99.9, then 1 unit
› Anemometer measuring range: 2 to 150 km/h
› Thermometer precision: ± 1°F (at 77°F)
› Thermometer resolution: 0.1 unit
› Thermometer measuring range: -4 to +158°F
› Hygrometer precision: ± 3% (20 to 80%rH)
› Hygrometer resolution: 0.1
› Hygrometer measuring range: 2 to 100%rH
› Power supply: 2 batteries, 1.5V AA
Battery lifetime, at least 3 years with
occasional use of the display backlight.
Low bat indicator. To replace, loosen the three
screws on the metal plate.
› Weight: 235 grams (insubmersible)
› Dimensions: ø65 X 155 mm
› Warranty: 1 year
You have just acquired a piece of high precision
equipment which has been created using the most
modern technology. It has been designed to stand
up to intensive use. However, in order to maintain its
appearance and its precision, we recommend that
you treat it with care and read this manual carefully.
Function of the buttons
ON: press 1 second
OFF: press 2 seconds (non auto off)
LIGHT: press on and off briefl y
UP: setting mode
START / STOP: chronometer mode
DOWN: setting mode
LAP / RESET: chronometer mode
SET / CAL: setting mode
RESET MEMORY: press 3 seconds
Confi guration
To access the confi guration mode of your instrument,
just press on the button. Pressing the button once
again cause the system to confi rm the setting if there
has been a change. If not then it goes to the next
setting. To modify the settings the and buttons
have to be used. Here is how to proceed with the
different instrument settings.
Wind measuring unit
The units to be selected are: mph, knots, km/h, m/s,
fps and Beaufort. Once the unit is chosen, it remains
displayed in the top right. If no unit is displayed the
instrument is set to Beaufort.
Temperature measurement unit
The units to be selected are: °F, °C, °F , °C , °F
and °C .
Humidity measurement unit
Humidity is displayed in a single unit: %rH.
Setting the time of the average
The times to be selected are: --- (weighting), 3’’, 6’’, 12’’,
30’’, 1’, 6’, 30’, 1:00’, 6:00’, 12:00’, 24:00’ or timer .
The Timer mode is used to measure the average,
min. and max. over a defi ned period of time between
a start (press ) and stop (press ). This time is
displayed on the bottom line. This timer allows the
use of the LapTime function (press , the symbol
fl ashes). The button also allows the timer to be reset
to zero. This works in the same way as a standard
Setting the display of wind, temperature and
The displays to be selected are: ---, MIN, AV, MAX.
When MIN is selected, only the temperature and
humidity are concerned, the wind continues to display
the instantaneous value (---).
When the selected unit is °F or °C , the display
setting is limited to --- or MIN.
Wind measurement (upper display)
Important: the protective cap has to be removed
from the instrument in order to rotate the impeller.
The impeller has a maximum sensitivity in the
vertical position (due to its magnetic levitation), and
an optimised precision when its axis of rotation is
perpendicular to the wind direction.
The average or maximum wind speed is calculated
based on the time of the average. These values are
reset to zero during a RESET of the memory.
User manual
Mode d’emploi
Manual de instrucciones
Manuale di istruzioni
Libretto d’instruzioni
JDC Electronic SA
Avenue des Sports 42
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
Phone: +41 24 445 21 21
Fax: +41 24 445 21 23
Email: [email protected]
Website : www.jdc.ch