Trouble shooting, If white salt deposits form on the clay pebbles, Florashield – General Hydroponics AF20 User Manual
Page 7: Florakleen
If white salt deposits form on the Clay Pebbles:
1. Try using a milder nutrient solution and topping off with plain water only.
2. Occasionally drain your system, refill with plain water and run the pump
overnight. After the overnight rinse, empty reservoir and refill with
fresh nutrient.
If Plants are not growing well and you suspect “hard” water:
1. Use FloraMicro Hardwater in place of FloraMicro.
2. Try distilled or purified water. You should see a significant improvement
in plant health and growth within one week.
3. Collect rainwater for use in your AeroFlo
If nutrient solution stops flowing from the beige spray lines:
1. Check to ensure that pump is plugged in and the reservoir is filled
with nutrient solution.
2. Check whether emitter holes in the beige spraylines are clogged. Keep pump
filter clean and use General Hydroponic’s FloraKleen™ to minimize nutrient
buildup and crusting.
Maintain healthy roots without resorting to harsh toxic
chemicals. FloraShield’s unique combination of compounds
can thoroughly rinse systems and plants during all phases
of growth. Growers across the globe have attested to
FloraShield’s ability to solve root problems.
Not to be used with SubCulture
• Dissolves accumulated fertilizer salts.
• Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients.
• Releases nutrient bonds between plants and systems, also
correcting nutrient lock-out.
• Use FloraKleen as a final flush a few days before harvest to
promote maturation and sugaring.
• Safe for all systems and media while plants are growing.
FloraKleen removes fertilizer residue that can accumulate over
time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils.
Use FloraKleen monthly to purge your hydroponic system or
potted plants of excess salts that can accumulate as a result of
regular fertilizer application. FloraKleen can be used at anytime
throughout the plant’s life and is an excellent final flush to
help improve flavor. Its high concentration and low price make
FloraKleen the economical choice for maintaining your plants in
both hydroponic and soil based environments.