General Hydroponics RainForest 36 User Manual

General Hydroponics offers many useful products
to support your RainForest Model 36 system.
These include:
Controller—for interconnecting many planters
Advanced Nutrient System: FloraMicro,
FloraGro & FloraBloom
Growing Cups and Covers
pH Test Kit and pH Control Kit
Digital electronic pH, ppm and
temperature meters
Meter calibration solutions
pH Adjustment Solutions
WaterFarm—for growing large plants
Thank you for selecting the RainForest Model 36
modular aero-hydroponic system. Please send
any comments or suggestions to:
PO Box 1576, Sebastopol CA 95473
Phone 707 824 9376
Fax 707 824 9377
We’re open from
9 am - 4:30 pm PST
Monday thru Friday
Please visit our web site at:
for further information and also for our full line of
hydroponic systems and nutrients.
ongratulations on your new
RainForest Model 36 modular aero-
hydroponic system. This system
enables you to rapidly and successfully root
cuttings and germinate seeds. Once rooted you
can trasnplant to any growing system like the
General Hydroponics WaterFarm. You will be
amazed by the kinds of plants that can be
propagated from cuttings using the RainForest.
These include even the most difficult fruit and nut
trees, ornamental shrubs, vegetables, and
flowers - many of which have never been
propagated from cuttings before. Of course,
easily propagated plants will root quickly and
grow phenomenally in the RainForest. The
RainForest secret is the patented aero-
hydroponic method of delivering the nutrient
solution. Oxygen-charged nutrient solution is
sprayed through the air onto the cuttings, seeds,
and newly formed roots. This oxygen-rich nutrient
solution constantly circulates within the
RainForest reservoir, so that a lot more oxygen
reaches the root boundary zone than with other
hydroponic systems. The roots absorb optimal
levels of both oxygen and nutrients, so that the
entire plant thrives. The RainForest Model 36 is
at the cutting edge of technology with technical
features to satisfy professional growers and
scientific researchers, and a simplicity that
makes it ideal for hobbyists, as well.
© General Hydroponics 2001