ETS-Lindgren 3161 Octave Horn Antenna User Manual
Page 3

Table of Contents
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ................................................ v
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................... 7
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin ................................................... 7
2.0 Maintenance ......................................................................... 9
3.0 Specifications ..................................................................... 11
Table 1: Model 3161-01 Power Requirements at 1 Meter ................... 13
Table 2: Model 3161-01 Power Requirements at 3 and 10 Meters ..... 14
Table 3: Model 3161-02 Power Requirements at 1 Meter ................... 15
Table 4: Model 3161-02 Power Requirements at 3 and 10 Meters ..... 16
Table 5: Model 3161-03 Power Requirements at 1 Meter ................... 17
Table 6: Model 3161-03Power Requirements at 3 and 10 Meters ...... 18
4.0 Mounting Instructions ....................................................... 19
5.0 Typical Data ........................................................................ 23
Typical Measured and Theoretical Gain and Antenna Factor ..................... 24
Typical Half-Power Beamwidth .................................................................... 25
6.0 Radiated Emissions Measurements ................................ 27
Measure Ambient Field Strength Values ..................................................... 27