AVer EXR6004-Mini user manual User Manual

Page 56

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- Send E-mail

Send an electronic text message. Next to the Send Email check box, click Detail.
In the E-mail Setting dialog box, click OK to exit and save the setting and Cancel to exit without
saving the setting.

(1) Mail Server

Enter the SMTP Server and port. If your e-mail system requires user identification, enable

Authentication check box and enter ID and Password.

(2) Mail

Fill the mailing information.

From: Enter the sender e-mail address.

To and CC: Enter the recipient email address and separate it with comma or a semicolon (;).

Subject: Enter the message title.

Message: Type the message.

Notice Interval: Set a time gap for mail re-sending when mail has failed to send.

(3) Snapshot

When send out the email, the DVR system will snapshot image of the selected camera channel.

Select Camera: Select the channel that will be snapshot when alarm email is sending out.

Video Size: Select the size of vide that will be taken when snapshot. Auto means default

size that chosen by DVR system.