Nikon n2000 User Manual

Page 53

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7. PC NMot and Medical Nikkor lenses cannot oe used in any auto expo

sure modes.

2. The totlowng tenses and accessories do not have an aperture coupling

device, and cannof be used in P or PHI modes.

Alt Reltex-Nikkor tenses

All PC-Nikkor fenses

Beltows attachment
Extension Ping Set K

3. In P and P HI modes. w*en using At modified Nikkor lenses witn a

maximum aperture smaller than //4.5, or re/econverfers or PK rings.
Shutter speeds are slower than indicated by the standard program lines
on page 19. Although actual shutter speed is indicated by the LED and
correci exposure is assured even In these cases, always check the
LED to avoid blurred fmages at slower shutter speeds

4. In P and P HI modes, when using Al modilied Nikkor lenses with a

maximum aperture larger than 1/2, the metering range tor higher EV

values will be reduced to a maximum of two EVs depending on the


5. In P and P HI modes, tPe following lenses may cause slower shutter

speeds than those indicated by the viewfinder LED. but you still get
correcf exposure.

Nikkor 50mm 1/1.2 (No. 250525 or smaller)
Noct Nikkor 56mm f/1.2(No.
775000 or sma//erj
Zoom Nikkor SO-300mm 1/4.5 (No. 179500 or smaller)

Al-modified Nikkor 85mm t/l 8

• Al-modified fvlicroNikkoi 105tnmf/4

At modi fled Zoom-Nlkkor 85-250mm 1/4