Bridge configuration screen fields (screen 1) – Cabletron Systems Expansion module 9T122-08 User Manual

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9T122-08 Module Specific Information


Bridge Configuration Screen Fields (Screen 1)

The following information brießy explains each Bridge ConÞguration Screen 1

Bridge Address

Displays the MAC Address of the bridge.

Bridging Interfaces

Displays the total number of bridging interfaces on the selected module.

Bridge Number

Allows you to enter a hexadecimal number that uniquely identiÞes a bridge when
more than one bridge is used to span the same two segments. Valid bridge
numbers range from 01 to 0F (15).

Type of STA (Toggle)

Allows you to set the method that bridges use to decide which bridge is the
controlling (Root) bridge when two or more bridges exist in parallel (Spanning
Tree Algorithm). Valid entries include IEEE and None. Press the

Space Bar


toggle to the desired value.

Bridge Priority Label

Allows you to enter a hexadecimal number that identiÞes the write-able portion
of the Bridge ID, i.e. the Þrst two octets of the Bridge ID. Valid bridge priority
labels range from 0000 to FFFF.

Novell Xlat


Novell translation, which converts MAC addresses in most signiÞcant bit (MSB)
format to least signiÞcant bit (LSB). Valid choices are:




) - No translation performed for Novell IPX/SPX packets.


DLC - Translation performed within the data link control layer for Novell
IPX/SPX packets (provides MSB-to-LSB MAC address conversion).


LLC - Translation performed within the Logical Link Control layer for Novell
IPX/SPX packets (provides MSB-to-LSB conversion compatible with the 9T122

All bridges in a network must use the same Spanning Tree protocol. The IEEE
protocol has a unique format for its Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU). Trying
to mix STA protocols results in an unstable network.
