Taylor-Wharton VJ Series Tanks User Manual
Page 6

The pressure vessel is suspended inside the vacuum jacket and insulated with perlite powder. The liquid
and gas phase lines to the pressure vessel pass through the lower head of the vacuum jacket. All piping
is designed to withstand the stresses caused by expansion and contraction of the pressure vessel, its
support system, and the piping itself.
The pressure vessel is designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1. The inner vessel is constructed of SA-612 normalized carbon
steel and the piping is stainless steel. The vacuum jacket and support legs are made of structural grade
carbon steel.
The insulation space between the pressure vessel and the vacuum jacket is filled with perlite powder and
evacuated to a high vacuum through an EVACUATION VALVE (V-4) that is sealed at the factory.
Insulation space vacuum is measured in the field by connecting a vacuum gauge to the VACUUM
GAUGE TUBE (VR-1) located on the lower head of the tank. The VACUUM GAUGE TUBE (VR-1)
is isolated from the vacuum jacket by a VACUUM GAUGE VALVE (V-3).
The following paragraphs describe the operation of the main circuits of the VJ-CO2 bulk tanks. The
descriptions refer to the main components of each circuit and are grouped by function. These
component and circuit descriptions are pertinent to any of the tanks and should be read before
attempting operation.
LIQUID FILL CONNECTION (CN-1) is a connector through which the tank is filled with liquid. It
is connected to a line that connects to the bottom of the inner vessel.
LIQUID FILL VALVE (V-1) regulates flow of liquid through LIQUID FILL CONNECTION (CN-1)
during a filling operation.
VAPOR EQUALIZATION CONNECTION (CN-2) is a connection where a hose is connected to the
transport trailer during fill to allow equalization of tank and trailer pressures throughout the pump
transfer. Presence of liquid product in this line indicates a full tank.
2) from the transport.
DRAIN VALVES (V-9A, V-9B) are provided to relieve transport hose pressure.
Liquid and Vapor Connections
Two liquid and two vapor connection are provided on the VJ-6, VJ-14, and VJ-26 tanks. Three liquid
and two vapor connections are provided on the VJ-35 and VJ-50 tanks.