Roadi Turbo Gauge User Manual

Page 21

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3). Use any of menu selection buttons to select current distance and hold
the lower-left bottun for about 3 seconds to reset current tri p data while
passing a mile marker.



00:15 15.0M

60MPH 0.8L

1). From the home screen, press TRIP.



- 10% +

80 89 SAVE

The lower-left number is the speed reported by the vehicle. The

lower right number is the speed which is displayed by the auto

computer by applying this correction.
A. To set the speed accurately, you need a handheld GPS. One person
observes the speed displayed on the GPS and adjusts the percentage till
the lower rig ht value agrees with the speed indicated on the GPS while
the other is driving. Set both the GPS and the auto computer to display the
same unit of speed (KPH or MPH) to make more accurate adjustments.

B. Drive at an auto computer indicated speed of 60 MPH and measure
the time between mile marker posts on a hig hway. For every second
more than 60 it takes to go 1 mile, subtract 1% from the adjustment with
the upper left button. Repeat this a few times until it takes 60 seconds
plus or minus a second to go 1 mile.

C. Use distance measurements to adjust the auto computer, and use
hig hway mile markers to check the setting.

3). Use the button next to "“-”" or “"+"” to adjust in 1% step till the adju-
stment factor reaches the computed percentage, and press SAVE button.

2). Select CURRENT.

4). After passing the mile marker, observe the MILES changes on screen,
and record the indicated distance between two markers.