Identification of mounting holes and screws, Re-drilling of router base, Router table for the craftsman – Craftsman CRT/A User Manual

Page 9

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Router Table

for the Craftsman

base. The fixing screws can then be used to secure.
The use of a gasket serves two purposes, firstly it
allows for secure fixing of the router, and secondly,
due to the small aperture in the router it allows the
tabs of the insert rings to fit tightly to the plate.
Enlarging the aperture in the base of the router is also
advised if large diameter tooling is to be used.

(iii) For Bosch GOF900A and 1300ACE, three 3/4"x1/4"

packing washers are used on each screw to pack out
the base of the router from the underside of the insert
plate. These packing washers allow the tabs of the
inset rings to fit tightly in the plate.


Re-drilling of Router Base


Invert your router onto a suitable surface.


Place the Insert Plate facing upwards onto the base
of your router.


Identify holes A1 and A2, or holes B on the Insert


Fit a large diameter cutter (max. 53mm diam.) into
your router and tighten collet.


Retract plunge mechanism and lock off allowing
cutter to protrude through the base.


Adjust position of the Insert Plate to centralise the
cutter within the centre hole of the Insert Plate.


Ensure that the threaded hole in the Insert Plate
faces the same side as on/off switch and fine height
adjuster (if fitted) so as these are easily accessible
when the router is fitted to the table.


Ensure that the holes you are about to drill in the
base do not interfere with any of the features on the


Identification of Mounting Holes and Screws

See previous page to:


Identify which Insert Plate has been supplied with
your Router Table.


Identify the mounting holes and fixing screws
(including washers & nuts if applicable) which will be
required to suit your router.


Identify whether your router or the Insert Plate
requires re-drilling.

If at this point, you realise you have ordered the incorrect
model of Router Table for your router, an exchange of
the Insert Plate can be made direct with Trend, see
address on front cover. Ensure that the fixing pack, insert
rings and insert plate are returned. Please quote part
number of plate required in the exchange.
Additional Insert Plates can be purchased through your
nearest Trend stockist if you wish to fit other models of
router to your router table. See prevoius page for
selection, and spare parts diagram for price details.

Your Router should fall into one of the following

(i) No adjustment necessary - Proceed to section H.

Please note for Elu OF97(E) see section (i) below.
For Bosch POF 52, 400A, 500A and 600ACE see
section D4 (ii) and for Bosch GOF900A and 1300ACE
see section D4 (iii).

(ii) Router base requires re-drilling - Proceed to section E

(iii) Insert Plate requires re-drilling - Proceed to section F

4.(i) For the Elu OF97(E) a 6.35mm (1/4") thick MDF or

plywood gasket is required. The central hole should
be drilled out to 60mm in diameter and with two
further holes of 8mm diameter and at 115mm centres.
Please see page 34 for plan.

(ii) For the Bosch POF DIY range of DIY routers a

special gasket must be made in 3mm to 6mm thick
plywood or MDF made. Please see page 35 for plan.
This gasket is then placed between the underside of
the plate in the table and the underside of the router


Bosch POF52, 400A, 500A & 600ACE

Bosch GOF900A & 1300ACE

3/4" & 1/4"