CLIFFORD GP500 User Manual
Page 17
LED flashes
1 flash
Ig ni tion switch was turned on
2 flashes
Ac ti va tion of Digi tal Tilt/Mo tion Sen sor
3 flashes
Ac ti va tion of Dual- Level Piezo Sen sor
4 flashes
Ac ti va tion of hel met theft pre ven tion de vice
5 flashes
Op tional ad di tional trig ger was ac ti vated (such as a seat
trig ger)
6 flashes
Ac ti va tion of Panic Fea ture/Re mote Ve hi cle Lo ca tor
7 flashes
Three or more in cor rect PIN codes were en tered via the
Plain View 2 switch
8 flashes
Low re mote con trol bat tery
Auto matic mal func tion by pass with AutoRe Moni tor ing™
Even if a system component malfunctions, the system will automatically
bypass any faulty point and arm all other triggers and sensors to protect the
vehicle until you can have the system serviced by your local Authorized
Clifford Dealer.
Us er’s Man ual/299