CLIFFORD GP500 User Manual
Page 14
False Alarm Pre ven tion & FACT™
With Clifford’s patented FACT (False Alarm Control and Test) feature,
you’ll never experience repeated false alarms. If the siren sounds, DO NOT
remotely disarm the system; allow it to run for the full 30-second siren
duration. Before sounding the siren a second time, the system automatically
checks for another activated sensor or trigger. Should the siren sound again,
you will know for sure that someone is tampering with your motorcycle. (If
you wish, you may turn off FACT, see the Table of Programmable features on
page 32.)
How to in ter pret the chirps and flashes
You have dis armed the sys tem
You have armed the sys tem
Dis armed but there was an in tru sion at tempt while you
were away (see Smart prior in tru sion at tempt on the
fol low ing page)
Armed but the Hel met Theft Pre ven tion sys tem or sen sor
has mal func tioned and has been by passed (see Smart
Au totest ing be low).