Configuring smtp – Dell Compellent Series 40 User Manual
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Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
System Management
b Enter the IP Address or domain name of the time server. If a NTP time server was
previously configured, the Last NTP time server update field displays the time of the
last update. If a NTP Server has not been entered, the Last NTP time server update
field does not appear.
4 Click OK to save the changes. If a NTP time server is set, Storage Center performs a
test to make sure updates are being received from the time server.
Configuring SMTP
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol for sending email messages between
servers. Storage Center uses SMTP to send automated emails to an administrators
account when management is required.
To configure SMTP
1 From the Storage Management menu, choose System > Setup > Configure SMTP. The
SMTP window appears.
Figure 164. Configure SMTP
2 Enter the IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the SMTP mail server in the
SMTP Mail Server box.
3 Enter the IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the backup SMTP mail server in
the Backup SMTP Mail Server box.
4 Click Test server to test the connection(s).
5 Enter a common subject line for all emails from Storage Center.
6 Enter the email address of the sender in the Sender E-mail Address (MAIL FROM) box,
and a common subject line for all emails from Storage Center in the Common Subject
Line box.