Canon Optix v5 AF User Manual

Canon Camcorders

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Optix v5 AF-Confirm chip Focus Tuning Guide

Basic Knowledge

(1) On Canon EOS cameras the points

of lens’ focusing ring at which

focus assist indicator lights up are

different when you approach the

target by turning the ring from

nearest distance side and infinity

side. Very often you get more

consistent result with focusing ring

start from nearest focus distance

mark so we always take this side as

our reference of focus tuning.

(2) When handling focusing at big

aperture size (e.g. f/1.4) the depth

of field is so thin such that very

tiny further movement of the focusing ring after you get the indicator might induce a significant

off-focus result. Hence it is good to practise well a technique of stop turning the focusing ring once

the indicator shines.

Focus Tuning Operation

(1) Our Optix v5 AF-Confirm chip allows change of focus shift factor in the range 00-99. New chips

are all initialized to the middle value of 50. If you find that value 50 is not giving you correct focus

with you manual focus lens you may tune this factor according to your liking. For details on how to

input this value please refer to the Optix v5 AF-Confirm Chip User Guide.

(2) You might need a focus test chart from Internet to start your focus tuning work. Start the test with

value 50 and check if there is focus shift to nearer or farther side. Values 00-49 shift the actual

focus point nearer to the camera while values 51-99 shift it farther away. The further away from 50

you choose the value the more intense is the shifting effect. So values 00 and 99 are the nearest

shift and farthest shift respectively. Binary search (taking new value halfway on the good side) is a

sensible way to get the correct value quick. If value 50 gives a focus nearer than expected, choose

75 on next try. On the other hand if it shows a farther than expected sharp point, try 25. Iterate this

way until you get the ideal value. Every time you set the focus shift factor it becomes permanent.