Initial configuration of your nas system, Server manager roles, role services and features, 2 initial configuration of your nas system – Dell PowerVault NX3300 User Manual

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Initial Configuration Of Your NAS System

Initial configuration of your NAS system includes:

Cabling the system or solution using iSCSI

Powering-up and connecting your NAS solution

System configuration using Server Manager

To complete initial configuration of your NAS system:


When you start your NAS system running Windows Storage Server 2012 for the first time, press OK on the Default

Password screen.

NOTE: Before changing the password, ensure that you change the system language according to your


To change the default language, navigate to C:\Dell_OEM\MUI, and run the appropriate language batch file. Follow

the on-screen prompts to install your preferred language.

NOTE: Your system is configured with default user name administrator and password Stor@ge!.


To change your administrator password, press and click Change a Password.
Server Manager starts automatically when you log on the first time.


In Server Manager, click Configure this local server to:

– Change the computer name
– Specify the domain
– Check for latest Windows updates
– Specify the time zone
– Configure Remote Desktop

NOTE: Click on the left bottom corner of the screen to locate the Start screen to navigate to a particular

Server Manager Roles, Role Services and Features

Server Manager is a management console that manages remote and local servers from a desktop without physical
access or Remote Desktop protocol (RDP) connections. Windows Storage Server 2012 Server Manager is completely
redesigned with Metro User Interface (MUI) style displaying applications in tiled interface and colors.
Server Manager allows you to:

Add remote servers to a pool of servers.

Create or edit a group of servers (for a specific purpose or geographic location).

Install or uninstall roles, role services and features and view or make changes to local or remote servers.

Get status of your servers and roles remotely.

Determine server status, identify critical events, analyze and troubleshoot configuration issues or failures.