Dell PowerEdge T110 II User Manual
Page 16

Oracle Database Migration to Dell PowerEdge 12
Generation Servers and Dell Compellent Storage
Ensure the init.ora file contains the location to the database spfile stored in the ASM disk
group such as:
$ more initmigrtst1.ora
11. Shut down the target ASM instances.
Presenting Dell|EMC Volumes to the Target Database Servers
Perform the following steps to present the volumes from the source Dell|EMC storage array to the
target PowerEdge R720 servers:
1. Cable the Dell|EMC storage front end ports to the Brocade switches in the target system as shown
in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Attach Dell|EMC storage to the target database configuration
2. Perform zoning in the Brocade switches to associate the PowerEdge R720 servers’ WWN’s with the
Dell|EMC front end port WWN’s.
3. Install EMC NaviAgent client on both PowerEdge R720 servers and start up the NaviAgent client.
For example,
# rpm -Uvh naviagentcli-
# service naviagent start
4. Create a new storage group in the Dell|EMC storage manager to include the two PowerEdge R720
servers; add the LUNs of the source database into the storage group. Only the 6 volumes of the
data area and the 6 volumes of the FRA area in Table 2 need to be added to the new storage group.
In the example below, a new storage group called r720_CX380 includes the two PowerEdge R720