Dell PowerEdge T110 II User Manual

Page 19

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Oracle Database Migration to Dell PowerEdge 12


Generation Servers and Dell Compellent Storage



(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = w23-r720-m-top-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = w23-r720-m-bot-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = migrtst)

In a production environment, the manual update of TNS entries in the application clients is time
consuming and tedious. You can solve this challenge by using a variety of technologies.

F5 Big-IP Global Traffic Manager (formerly 3DNS) technology. Big-IP Global Traffic Manager
(GTM) provides capability to seamlessly direct application to a different data source. Users are
not aware of the switch.

CNAME. A CNAME is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies
that the domain name is an alias of another. CNAME can facilitate quick application switch
over to a different database.

Oracle Single Client Access Name (SCAN) is a new Oracle RAC 11g Release 2 feature that
provides a single name for clients to access Oracle databases running in a cluster. The benefit
is that the client’s connect information does not need to change if you add or remove nodes in
the cluster.

Migrating Data to the Target System

Once the application is pointed to the target database, data access can immediately resume while data
is being migrated in the background from the source ASM disks to the target ASM disks. Data migration
with ASM disk rebalance is an online procedure that does not impact the database availability.

The ASM disk names and disk paths can be viewed in the ASM instance. For example,

SQL> select name ||' ' || path||' '||total_mb||' '||header_status from

/dev/mapper/data7p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/ocrvote5p1 0 FOREIGN
/dev/mapper/data11p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/fra7p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/data9p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/fra9p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/fra11p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/ocrvote4p1 0 FOREIGN
/dev/mapper/data8p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/data12p1 0 CANDIDATE
/dev/mapper/data10p1 0 CANDIDATE