Getting started, Introducing the dell dr2000v system, Specifications and usage notes for the dr2000v – Dell PowerVault DR2000v User Manual

Page 7: 2 getting started

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Getting Started

This chapter provides an introduction to the Dell DR2000v system and includes the following topics, which provide

important information for you to understand before you begin the deployment process.

Introducing the Dell DR2000v— provides an introductory description of the Dell DR2000v.

Specifications and Usage Notes for the Dell DR2000v —

provides important information about licensing and usage for the DR2000v.

Setting up Licensing for the Dell DR2000v— provides important information about how to set up your license on the
physical DR Series system to which the DR2000v will register.

Introducing the Dell DR2000v System

The Dell DR2000v is a virtual DR Series system providing backup and disaster recovery (DR) features such as,
deduplication, compression, replication and advanced data protection. This virtual appliance runs inside a virtual
machine (VM) on a VMware ESXi or Microsoft Hyper-V server. The DR2000v uses storage disks resident in the
hypervisor server on which it is loaded and requires an associated DR4000, DR4100 or DR6000 system to which it will
register. The DR2000v virtual machine (VM) template is available in various licensed capacities that can be deployed on
your existing VM infrastructure. Backup/restore performance using the DR2000v is dependent on the performance of
your underlying hardware.

Specifications and Usage Notes for the DR2000v

This section describes licensing, GUI usage limitations, and specific CLI commands available for the Dell DR2000v.

NOTE: For detailed information about supported virtual machine platforms and versions, platform configuration
limits, virtual infrastructure and memory requirements, and other information, see the

Dell DR Series System

Interoperability Guide


A physical DR Series system serves as a license server for the DR2000v virtual system. And, the DR2000v system
requires that a permanent license is installed on the physical DR Series system to which it will authenticate. This
physical DR Series system to which the DR2000v registers must be running the DR Series system software version 3.1 (or
later). For more information about setting up licensing, see the topic, “Setting up Licensing for the DR2000v,” in this
guide. For more information about license limits, see the

Dell DR Series System Interoperability Guide


DR Series System GUI Usage
The DR2000v system is a Global View-managed unit and is managed by the physical DR Series system to which it is
registered. Refer to the following notes about GUI usage specific to the DR2000v.

You should not change the MTU setting for the DR2000v but should leave the setting at the system default of 1500.

The DR Series system GUI Usage menu displays only statistics related to DR2000v; no underlying hosting virtual

machine platform information is available through this menu.