Dell PowerVault MD3800i User Manual
Page 46

7. To exit the Discovery tab, click OK.
– If you plan to configure CHAP authentication, do not perform discovery on more than one iSCSI
port at this point. Go to "Configure Host Access".
– If you do not plan to configure CHAP authentication, repeat step 1 thorough step 6 for all iSCSI
ports on the storage array.
Perform Target Discovery From the iSCSI Initiator Using Windows Server
Core Version
Set the iSCSI initiator service to start automatically using sc \\
2. Start the iSCSI service using sc start msiscsi.
3. Add a target portal using iscsicli QAddTargetPortal
Perform Target Discovery From the iSCSI Initiator Using Linux
Configuration of the iSCSI initiator for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
distributions is done by modifying the /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file, which is installed by default when you
install MDSM. You can edit the file directly, or replace the default file with a sample file included on the
PowerVault MD series resource media.
To use the sample file included on the media:
Make a copy of the default /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file by saving it to another directory of your choice.
2. Edit the following entries in the /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file:
Edit or verify that the node.startup = manual line is disabled.
Edit or verify that the node.startup = automatic line is enabled. This enables automatic
startup of the service at boot time.
Verify that the following time-out value is set to 30:
node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 30.
Save and close the /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file.
3. From the console, restart the iSCSI service with the following command: service iscsi start.
4. Verify that the iSCSI service is running during boot using the following command from the console:
chkconfig iscsi on.
5. To display the available iSCSI targets at the specified IP address, use the following command:
iscsiadm –m discovery –t st -p
6. After target discovery, use the following command to manually log in: iscsiadm -m node –l.
This login is performed automatically at startup if automatic startup is enabled.
7. Manually log out of the session using the following command: iscsiadm -m node -T