Dell PowerVault DR4100 User Manual

Page 23

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DR4100 Best Practice Guide | April 2014

3. Break bond0 to create the following configuration:

• Bond0 with single 1GB interface to be used for management.
• A single 1GB interface to be used for replication traffic.
• A bonded 2x 10GB interface to be used for backup traffic.

a. Delete eth1 from bond0 using the following command:

network -- delete --member

b. Create bond1 consisting of 2x 10GB interfaces using the following command:

network --create_bond --bondif --nwif --static ip --
netmask --restart

c. Create a single 1GB interface using the following command:

network --create_eth --nwif< ehtN> --static --ip --netmask -- name --


administrator@DR1 > network -- delete -- member eth1

Interface delete successful. Please restart networking for the changes to take effect.


administrator@DR1 >

network --create_bond --bondif bond1 --nwif eth2,eth3 --static --ip --netmask --restart

WARNING: During network restart a loss of connection may occur and a relogin may be
necessary. Password required to proceed.
Please enter the administrator password:
Restarting network...
Shutting down interface bond0: [ OK ]
Shutting down interface bond1: [ OK ]

Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]

Bringing up interface bond0:Determining IP information for bond0... done. [ OK ]
Bringing up interface bond1: [ OK ]
Updating DNS entry for swsys-231.ocarina.local to ..
Skipping DNS Update IP already updated.
Starting the filesystem...doneting down loopback interface: [ OK ]