Cooper Bussmann CT02MAN User Manual

Page 58

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Cooper B-Line, Inc

Cable Tray Manual


NEMA Standard VE-2, Section 4, Installation 4.3 Straight Section Installation - 4.3.1. Horizontal

Cable Tray Straight Sections states that straight section lengths should be equal to or greater than
the span length to ensure not more than one splice between supports.

Additional Cable Tray Resources

Cable Tray Institute

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

1300 N. 17th Street

1300 N. 17th Street

Rosslyn, VA 22209

Rosslyn, VA 22209

B-Line Engineering Software





is a Cable Tray layout design program that works within the AutoCAD


environment. TrayCAD


is a windows based program and installs as an add-on to your



system. Use the TrayCAD


toolbar to add cable tray to your existing plans by

drawing a single centerline representation of the tray run. Then, with the click of a button, the
program will build a full-scale 3-D wire-frame model of the cable tray and all the appropriate
fittings. The program also automatically creates a Bill of Material and contains a library of
modifiable details.

Runway Router


Runway Router


is a cable ladder runway (ladder rack) layout design program that works within

your AutoCAD


environment. Use the commands from the Runway Router


toolbar to layout

runway, relay racks and electronic cabinets. Add cable tray or Cent-R-Rail


to your existing

plans by drawing a single centerline representation of the cable run. Then, with the click of a
button, the program will build a full-scale 3-D wire-frame model of the cable runway and all the
appropriate connectors and fittings. The program also automatically creates a Bill of Material
and contains a library of modifiable details.
