Disk overview, 1 disk overview – Acronis Drive Monitor - User Guide User Manual
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Available disks
The table displays all disks in your computer. It reflects brief details about manufacturer and model,
capacity, volumes and common health status.
The colored health status reflection makes it easier to recognize at-a-glance which disk may be at
When a health status decreases, look at the S.M.A.R.T. parameters' values to research where a
problem may appear.
By default the first hard disk is selected and its details are displayed in the table. To view other disks'
information, select it in the table.
Running Acronis Drive Monitor on a virtual machine.
While using Acronis Drive Monitor on a virtual machine, disks monitoring should be disabled due to
the following reasons:
virtual disks do not report useful information about your computer's physical disks' states, so
disks monitoring and health calculating do not make sense anyway;
the calculated virtual disk's health may spontaneously change from 100% to 0, and then back to
100%, because VMware virtual disk reports some S.M.A.R.T. parameters in a special way: it
reports the parameter's value decreased below the threshold, which is considered by S.M.A.R.T.
interface as a potential hardware problem that affects the overall disk health status.
3.2.1 Disk overview
The Disk overview tab reflects the state of the most important values and parameters of the selected
disk. This is an informational tab, and to view and/or change settings go to the Options (p. 21) page.
Acronis Drive Monitor allows monitoring your disks conditions using S.M.A.R.T. or previously created
custom scripts. To change the monitoring mode, go to the Options page and click the link near the
required disk. See details in the Options (p. 21) chapter.
Power on time
This line shows how long the selected disk is being powered on. By default days are counted.
Disk health
The hard disk health is expressed as a percentage.
Also the disk health status is displayed using an icon with a specific color:
- your hard disk is running normally;
- some problems with the disk, which actually will not lead to a data loss, were detected;
- serious problems are detected or a disk failure is predicted, it is strongly recommended to take
actions to protect your data;
- the disk is not monitored: monitoring is disabled by the user or is not available.