Canon My Image Garden User Manual
Page 193

• You may only use downloaded or printed PREMIUM Contents for personal purposes.
• You may not use the content for commercial purposes.
(2) Display/Operation Area
Displays the images, documents, items, etc. saved in the function or folder clicked in Global Menu.
You can edit images, documents, items, etc. via the operation buttons, control-click menu or drag-and-
(3) Information Area
Displays the details such as file names of images, documents, and items as well as dates and times they
were saved. The details such as categories and periods of events are also displayed.
You can show or hide information area.
(4) Operation Buttons
Displays the buttons used for editing or printing images, documents, and items. The buttons displayed
vary depending on the function clicked in Global Menu.
(5) Display Size Setting Bar
Displays the buttons for switching the view of images, documents, and items displayed in the Preview
area or for changing the display size.
• Thumbnail view (miniature view) and details view (preview) are available.
• You can also switch the view by double-clicking a thumbnail or preview displayed in the Preview