Bio-Rad ProteinChip Qualification and Calibration Kits User Manual
Page 13

2.4 System Check Tests
2.4.1 Test 1 –– Detector Sensitivity
This test uses the ProteinChip detector qualification array to measure
the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of immunoglobubulin (IgG) at two different
concentrations (10 fmol and 140 fmol). Measurements are compared to a
specification, and a pass/fail disposition is obtained.
Array Type
ProteinChip Detector qualification array
Usage Information
Use once and discard; do not open
until ready to use.
Expected Testing Time
30 min to 1 hr
Pass/Fail Specification
High concentration: pass if S/N is
greater than 1,100
Low concentration: pass if S/N is
greater than 5
1. Insert the ProteinChip detector qualification array into the instrument.
If you are using an Enterprise Edition instrument, place the array
into any location within the cassette, fill the remaining slots in the
cassette with blank or used arrays, and place the cassette into the
2. In ProteinChip data manager software, click Start and open the
Protocol Mode tab.
3. Select Instrument > Preferences. In the Preferences dialog, click
“…”. The Select Folder dialog opens.
4. Select Projects > system check_####/
Date/Test 1 Detector
Sensitivity, where #### is the serial number of the instrument.
5. Run protocol “Test 1 Detector Sensitivity ” on partition 1 of 1 for all 8
spots on the array. Do not change any values.
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