Bio-Rad ProteinChip Matrices User Manual

Page 5

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Solvent systems and ProteinChip EAM in solution are
best prepared fresh every day. Acetonitrile volatilizes
rapidly, and EAM in solution break down significantly
within 24 hours at room temperature. Freezing EAM after
dissolving them in solvent may preserve them for about a
week; however, it is recommended to prepare fresh
solvent and ProteinChip EAM in solution each day.

Preparing Saturated Solutions

1. Bio-Rad supplies ProteinChip EAM as 5 mg of dried

powder in a tube. Tap the tube to ensure that contents
fall to the bottom of the tube before reconstitution. Add
50–200 µl of the appropriate solvent depending on your
needs. Vortex for approximately 5 minutes, then let sit at
room temperature for approximately 5 minutes. There
should be undissolved EAM remaining in the tube.

2. Microcentrifuge for 10 minutes at 10,000 rpm at

room temperature to pellet any particulates. The
ProteinChip EAM are now ready to use. Keep at
room temperature. The solubility drops significantly
when kept on ice.

Note: Occasionally CHCA particulate will float on top of the solution. To
minimize deposition of solid CHCA onto the spot, take the supernatant
off the top of the CHCA and transfer it to another tube.

© 2006 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.