Bio-Rad Rotofor® and Mini Rotofor Cells User Manual
Page 37

Use of Denaturants or Detergents
The Rotofor system provides a gentle separation technique that does not alter
the native state of the protein. Occasionally, however, denaturing agents or
detergents may be added to enhance the solubility of some proteins during focusing.
Kachman MT, Wang H, Schwartz DR, Cho KR, Lubman DM (2002)
A 2-D liquid separations/mass mapping method for interlysate comparison of ovarian cancers.
Anal Chem. 74(8): 1779-91.
Rosenkrands I, Weldingh K, Jacobsen S, Hansen CV, Florio W, Gianetri I, Andersen P
Mapping and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins by two-dimensional gel elec-
trophoresis, microsequencing and immunodetection.
Electrophoresis. 21(5): 935-48
Brightbill HD, Libraty DH, Krutzik SR, Yang RB, Belisle JT, Bleharski JR, Maitland M,
Norgard MV, Plevy SE, Smale ST, Brennan PJ, Bloom BR, Godowski PJ, Modlin RL
Host defense mechanisms triggered by microbial lipoproteins through toll-like receptors.
Science. 285(5428): 732-6.
Burns JM Jr, Adeeku EK, Dunn PD (1999)
Protective immunization with a novel membrane protein of Plasmodium yoelii-infected
Infect Immun.67(2): 675-80.
Dobbs LG, Gonzalez RF, Allen L, Froh DK (1999)
HTI56, an integral membrane protein specific to human alveolar type I cells.
J Histochem Cytochem. 47(2): 129-37.
Stan RV, Ghitescu L, Jacobson BS, Palade GE (1999)
Isolation, cloning, and localization of rat PV-1, a novel endothelial caveolar protein.
J Cell Biol. 145(6): 1189-98.
Weldingh K, Rosenkrands I, Jacobsen S, Rasmussen PB, Elhay MJ, Andersen P
Two-dimensional electrophoresis for analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
culture filtrate and purification and characterization of six novel proteins.
Infect Immun. 66(8): 3492-500.
Lucietto P, Fossati G, Ball HL, Giuliani P, Mascagni P (1997)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis chaperonin 10 and N-truncated fragments. Their
synthesis and purification by the isoelectric focusing technique carried out in solution.
J Pept Res.49(4): 308-23.
Nore BF, Harrison MA, Keen JN, Allen JF (1994)
Partial purification of a cyanobacterial membrane protein with amino terminal sequence
similarity to the N-methylphenylalanine pilins.
Acta Chem Scand. 48(7): 578-81.
Ni J, Karpas A (1993)
Isolation of a novel cytotoxic lymphokine (factor 2) from a human B-cell line (Karpas 160b)
by preparative isoelectric focusing in the Rotofor cell and chromatofocusing.
Cytokine.5(1): 31-7.