Bio-Rad ReadyPrep Protein Extraction Kit (Soluble/Insoluble) User Manual
Page 8

ReadyPrep TBP Reducing Agent. Tributylphosphine
(TBP) has an unpleasant odor and is very volatile. Work
with TBP in a fume hood. Wear a laboratory coat and
gloves when handling the ampoule of TBP reducing agent.
Wipe up spills with wet towels. Open the ampoule by
snapping the top off at the scored neck. Transfer the entire
contents of the ampoule to the empty screw-cap storage
vial provided. Screw the cap of the vial down tightly and
store the vial at –20°C to prevent evaporation of the TBP.
While using, keep the vial of TBP reducing agent on ice.
Lysis Buffer. Empty the entire contents of one pouch of
Lysis Buffer into a 50 ml disposable tube. Add 50 ml of
ReadyPrep proteomic grade water or similar quality water
to the tube and mix until the solids are completely
dissolved. Rinse the pouch with a small portion of this
buffer, and return the solution to the 50 ml tube. If desired,
protease inhibitors can be added to a portion of this buffer
just before use.
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