Bio-Rad PureZOL™ RNA Isolation Reagent User Manual

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Section 3
Maintaining an RNase-Free Environment

To avoid introducing RNases, great care must be taken in
handling the reagents and purified RNA samples. Care must be
taken to proceed through the RNA isolation as quickly as possible.
An RNase-free environment will yield the best results.

If possible, work in an RNase-free environment; use latex or vinyl
gloves when handling reagents or RNA and change gloves

Nondisposable, nonautoclavable plasticware should be rinsed with
0.1 M NaOH, 1 mM EDTA followed by several rinses with diethyl
pyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated water before use. DEPC is an
efficient, strong, and nonspecific RNase inhibitor that is usually
used at a concentration of 0.1%.

Warning: DEPC is suspected to

be a carcinogen and should be handled with care. Always use
gloves and open under a fume hood.

Glassware and other autoclavable items may be treated using the
DEPC method described above for nonautoclavable plasticware, or
by baking for 4 hours at 300°C.

Working surfaces and pipets should be kept clean and wiped
periodically with a 0.5 M NaOH solution.

Use sterile plasticware and machine-packaged aerosol-resistant
pipet tips. Pour tubes from an unopened bag (or bag marked "For
RNA Use Only") onto an RNase-free environment (such as plastic
wrap). Otherwise, sterilize by autoclaving.


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