Bio-Rad PureZOL™ RNA Isolation Reagent User Manual

Page 17

background image


Possible Cause

Recommended Solution

RNA is

Cells grown in either

For cells grown in monolayer,


monolayer or

aspirate the growth medium


suspension were

and then add PureZOL

washed prior to

directly to the plate. No

homogenization with

washing or trypsinization is


necessary. For cells grown in
suspension, pellet the cells
and aspirate growth
medium, then add PureZOL
directly to the pellet

Starting tissue sample

Make sure that starting

was not immediately

material is immediately

frozen, or had gone

processed following

through several

dissection. Alternatively, the

freeze-thaw cycles

starting material can be

before RNA

immediately frozen after

purification was

dissection. Once frozen, do


not subject starting material
to freeze-thaw cycles.

Cultured cells were

Cells should be lysed directly

dispersed by trypsin

in PureZOL RNA isolation
reagent. Do not wash cells
or trypsinize prior to lysing

Genomic DNA

Some of the white

Leave some of the aqueous


interphase (after phase

phase solution behind to

separation) was

avoid transferring the white

transferred with the

interphase with the aqueous

aqueous phase

phase (see step 6 in the


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