Luminex xponent software – Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Pro™ TGF-β Assays User Manual

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Luminex xPONENT Software

Although guidelines are provided here, consult the xPONENT software
manual for more details. Perform a system initialization with Luminex’s
calibration and performance verification kit, as directed by Luminex. Select
Batches to set up the protocol and follow the information under Settings.
Note: The instrument settings described below apply to Luminex 100/200
and FLEXMAP 3D or Bio-Plex


3D instruments. For the Bio-Plex



reader, use the default instrument settings.

1. Select MagPlex as the bead type for magnetic beads, which
automatically sets the DD gates.
2. Volume = 50 µl.
3. Refer to Table 13 to select the appropriate PMT setting for

your instrument.

4. Plate name: 96-well plate.
5. Analysis type: Quantitative; 5PL Curve Fit.
6. Number of standards: 8.

Select Analytes to set up the panel.
1. Enter pg/ml in the Units field.
2. Enter 50 in the Count field.
3. Select the bead region and enter the analyte name.

4. Click Apply all for Units and Count.

Select Stds and Ctrls.
1. Enter standard concentrations, lot number, dilution factor, and other
information as applicable.

After the assay is complete, select Results, then select Saved Batches.